Delivery Synonyms and Antonyms

dĭ-lĭvə-rē, -lĭvrē
The act of delivering or the condition of being delivered
  1. surrender
  2. bringing
  3. obstetrical delivery
  4. transfer
  1. collection
The manner in which a baseball pitcher throws
  1. control
  2. performance
  3. game
  4. ball
  5. arm
  6. rendition
  7. hurling
  8. offering
  9. tossing
  10. elbowing
  11. twirling
  12. pitch
  13. flinging
  14. heaving
  15. round-arm delivery
  16. southpaw delivery
  17. freak delivery
  18. buggy-whip delivery
  1. address
  2. drop

Words Related to Delivery

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.