There is also a fine pulpit by Fra Guglielmo dell' Agnello of Pisa (1270).
In front of it is the porch of the Palazzo dell' Afflitto, composed of ancient fragments.
Ding Dong ' Dell ' - lucky puss cat rescued from the well !
But he was soon called away by Ludovico to a different undertaking, the completion of the interior decorations, already begun by another hand and interrupted, of certain chambers of the Castello called the Saletta Negra and the Sala Grande dell' Asse, or Sala della Torre.
But in the great Sala dell' Asse (or della Torre) abundant traces of Leonardo's own hand were found, in the shape of a decoration of intricate geometrical knot or plait work .combined with natural leafage; the abstract puzzle-pattern, of a kind in which Leonardo took peculiar pleasure, intermingling in cunning play and contrast with a pattern of living boughs and leaves exquisitely drawn in free and vital growth.