To ask or beg
To call upon God
  1. implore
  2. beg
  3. entreat
  4. supplicate
  5. appeal
  6. ask
  7. beseech
  8. petition
  9. invocate
  10. conjure
  11. plead
  12. hold communion with God
  13. crave
  14. intercede
  15. commend someone to God
  16. recite the rosary
  17. importune
  18. tell one's beads. See syn. study at appeal.appeal
  19. sue
  20. tell one's beads
  21. invoke
  22. request
  23. solicit
  1. invocative
  2. invocatory
  3. prayerful
  4. praying
  5. precative
  6. precatory
  7. supplicatory
  8. votive

Words Related to Pray

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.
