This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Mod to Mon.
As the 60s progressed, Barbie embraced mod fashion and then sported hippie styles.
Tetrasi, 5210 ft.) and their westerly extension, on the west by the mountains of Cyparissia (4000 ft.), a southern continuation of which forms the south-west peninsula of the Morea, attaining its greatest height in Mt Mathia (mod.
Metauro; the form Mataurus is later, and is more frequent in inscriptions of the imperial period), a river of Italy, which flows into the sea a little south-east of Fanum Fortunae (mod.
A great deal of unpublished material of the highest interest with regard to Ibrahim's personality and his system in Syria is preserved in the British Foreign Office archives; for references to these see Cambridge Mod.