The pretty wood at Winschoten was laid out by the Society for Public Welfare (Tot Nut van het Algemeen) in 1826.
After his return to Amsterdam in 1824 Thorbecke wrote his first political work of any importance, Bedenkingen aangaande het Recht en den Staat (" Objections anent Law and the State"), which by its close reasoning and its legal acumen at once drew attention to the young barrister, and procured him in 1825 a chair as professor in Ghent University.
The HET is one of the world 's largest optical telescopes, with a primary mirror some 11 meters in diameter.
This page gives an overview of all articles in the 1911 Brittanica which are alphabetized under Het to Hir.
Willem Janszon, the father of Hondius's partner, published a collection of charts (1608), to which he gave the title of Het Licht der Zeevaart (the seaman's light).