Heel Synonyms and Antonyms

Hind part of the foot
  1. run away
  2. flee
  3. take-flight
  4. hock
  5. spur
  6. hind-toe
  7. achilles-tendon
  8. close behind
  9. in-back-of
  10. behind
  11. be kept waiting
  12. loiter
  13. linger
  14. shabby
  15. seedy
  16. rundown
  17. be lively
  18. have-fun
  19. enjoy-oneself
  20. turn-around
  21. reverse
  22. shift
  1. run away
  2. flee
  3. take-flight
To depart or cause to depart from true vertical or horizontal
The portion of the shoe under the heel, sense 1
  1. lift
  2. heelpiece
  3. wedgie
An object resembling a heel
  1. crust
  2. spur
  3. base
  4. after-end
  5. cyma-reversa
To follow closely or persistently
  1. follow
  2. dog
  3. stay by one's heel
  4. tag
  5. list
  6. reheel
  7. attend
  8. trail
Deviation from a particular direction
*A worthless individual

Words Related to Heel

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.