Adhesive Synonyms and Antonyms

ăd-hēsĭv, -zĭv
Having the property of adhering
  1. sticky
  2. gluey
  3. gummy
  4. gooey
  5. clinging
  6. tenacious
  7. adhering
  8. adherent
  9. sticking
  10. glutinous
  11. resinous
  12. viscid
  13. viscous
  14. bond
  15. gelatinous
  16. cement
  17. waxy
  18. gummed
  19. pasty
  20. epoxy
  21. agglutinant
  22. glue
  23. hugging
  24. conformable
  25. sticking fast
  26. mastic
  27. tending to adhere
  28. emplastic
  29. mucilage
  30. mucilaginous
  31. paste
  32. tacky
  33. stickum
  34. bulldoggish
  35. clabbered
  36. tape
  37. clingy
  38. glairy
  39. gluelike
  40. glutenous
  41. gumlike
  42. slabby
  43. stickable
  44. tremelloid
  1. loose
  2. inadhesive
  3. separated
  4. nonadhesive
  5. unattachable
  6. slippery
  7. open
A substance that unites or bonds surfaces together
  1. adhesive material
  2. bulldoggy
  3. adhesive agent
  4. gaumy
  5. glutinose
  1. bulldogged
  2. tieing

Words Related to Adhesive

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.
