Revenge Synonyms and Antonyms

The act of returning an injury
Retaliate for wrong, grievance
  1. avenge
  2. retaliate
  3. requite
  4. vindicate
  5. get even with
  6. take-revenge
  7. have one's revenge
  8. breathe vengeance
  9. wreak one's vengeance
  10. exact retribution
  11. pay back
  12. pay off
  13. make reprisal
  14. punish
  15. repay
  16. repay in kind
  17. return like for like
  18. return blow for blow
  19. give tit for tat
  20. reciprocate
  21. settle accounts
  22. square accounts
  23. lex-talionis
  24. settle-up
  25. pay back in one's own coin
  26. take an eye for an eye
  27. turn the tables on
  28. nemesis
  29. get-back-at
  30. fight-back
  31. be out for blood
  32. requital
  33. give an exchange
  34. give-and-take
  35. give someone their just deserts
  36. get satisfaction
  37. even the score
  38. get
  39. fix
  40. give someone their comeuppance
  41. pay off old scores
  42. settle a score
  43. return the compliment
  44. pay back in spades
  45. retaliation
  46. fix one's wagon
  47. give a taste of one's own medicine
  48. give-as-good-as-one-gets
  49. retribution
  50. revanche
  51. revanchism
  52. vengeance
  53. wreak vengeance

Words Related to Revenge

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.