Write-up Synonyms

A short account of the news
  1. press report
  2. written description
  3. written eulogy
  4. laudatory account
  5. review
  6. publicity story
  7. spread
  8. report
  9. blurb
  10. rave
  11. notice
  12. news report
  13. build up
  14. story
  15. account
Put into writing; write in complete form
  1. interview
  2. report
  3. publicize
  4. record
  5. treat of
  6. do a sketch of
  7. make an account of
  8. put into words
  9. report on
  10. write-out
  11. do an item for the newspapers
  12. praise in the press
  13. ballyhoo
  14. build up

Words Related to Write-up

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.


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