The property of being easily bent without breaking
Pliability Sentence Examples
He was again chosen speaker, his former experience and his pliability of character being his chief recommendations.
Superior, probably, both intellectually and morally to his great rival Nubar, he lacked the latter's broad statesmanship as well as his pliability.
Many good leather wallets also have considerable flexibility and pliability, making them comfortable to carry as well.
Its food consists almost solely of vegetables and honey, but the latter is its favourite food, - the extreme length and pliability of the tongue enabling it to scoop out the honeycombs from the hollows of trees.
The time of sowing, the quantity of seed per acre (about three bushels) and the method of gathering and retting are very similar to those of flax; but, as a rule, it is a hardier plant than flax, does not possess the same pliability, is much coarser and more brittle, and does not require the same amount of attention during the first few weeks of its growth.