Philosopher Synonyms

A person who seeks reason and truth by thinking and meditation
  1. scholar
  2. thinker
  3. sage
  4. logician
  5. wise-man
  6. savant
  7. sophist
  8. solon
  9. theorizer
  10. abelard
  11. albinus
  12. anaxagoras
  13. alexander
  14. anselm
  15. berkeley
  16. boethius
  17. boodin
  18. bonaventure
  19. bosanquet
  20. bowne
  21. chubb
  22. cicero
  23. bruno
  24. condillac
  25. croce
  26. condorcet
  27. frege
  28. euhemerus
  29. fechner
  30. fullerton
  31. feigl
  32. gilson
  33. ferdinand
  34. haeckel
  35. hahn
  36. hegel
  37. haldane
  38. heidegger
  39. heraclitus
  40. harris
  41. herbart
  42. hartmann
  43. hobbes
  44. hutcheson
  45. howison
  46. hume
  47. langer
  48. husserl
  49. leucippus
  50. kierkegaard
  51. leibniz
  52. lovejoy
  53. locke
  54. moore
  55. lotze
  56. lucretius
  57. ockham
  58. marx
  59. paley
  60. mencius
  61. pascal
  62. parmenides
  63. plotinus
  64. perry
  65. protagoras
  66. philo-
  67. pyrrho
  68. pythagoras
  69. pratt
  70. reynaud
  71. pritchard
  72. santayana
  73. sartre
  74. reid
  75. scheler
  76. rogers
  77. schleiermacher
  78. ross
  79. schlick
  80. schopenhauer
  81. royce
  82. sellars
  83. russell
  84. logicaster
  85. metaphysician
  86. schelling
  87. philosophizer
  88. schiller
  89. ratiocinator
  90. thales
  91. syllogizer

Words Related to Philosopher

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.