Memorials of a Quiet Life, published in 1872, contain accounts of the Hare family.
Giovanni, dating from 1576, is famous for its rich inlaid marbles, its Brussels tapestries, its roof painted by Matteo Preti (1661-1699), the picture by Michael Angelo da Caravaggio of the beheading of John the Baptist, numerous memorials of the knights and other relics.
In the upper quadrangle is a bust of Nelson by Chantrey, and there are various other memorials and relics.
From these it is clear that the country fell in turn under the sway of the various dynasties that ruled in the Deccan, memorials of the Chalukyan dynasty, whether temples or inscriptions, being especially abundant.
Among several military memorials, one in the Academy grounds was erected to the Prince Imperial of France, for two years a student in the Academy.