She herself worked with her own copy, inserting the additions, marking the alterations and translating all the quotations.
The old fable of this bird inserting its beak into a reed or plunging it into the ground, and so causing the booming sound with which its name will be always associated, is also exploded, and nowadays indeed so few people in Britain have ever heard its loud and awful voice, which seems to be uttered only in the breeding-season, and is therefore unknown in a country where it no longer breeds, that incredulity as to its booming at all has in some quarters succeeded the old belief in this as in other reputed peculiarites of the species.
The process of inserting white hairs is called in the trade "pointing," and is either done by stitching them in with a needle or by adhesive caoutchouc.
The actual tempera ture of the metal itself can then be observed by inserting thermometers or thermo-couples at measured distances from the centre.
The vividness and distinction of Pascal's phrase, his singular faculty of inserting without any loss of dignity in the gravest and most impassioned meditation what may be almost called quips of thought and diction, the intense earnestness of meaning weighting but not confusing the style, all appear here.