Envy Synonyms and Antonyms
Resentful or painful desire for another's advantages
- enviousness
- covetousness
- jealousy
- resentment
- rivalry
- ill will
- spite
- grudge
- malice
- grudgingness
- jealous competition
- jaundiced eye
- jaundice
- discontent at another's good fortune
- backbiting
- cupidity
- greed
- bitterness
- invidiousness
- maliciousness
- lack of Christian charity
- one of the seven deadly sins
- invidia
- bad sportsmanship
- mean-spiritedness
- lusting after another's goods
- coveting another's possessions
- desiring
- hankering
- prejudice
- longing
- begrudging
- invidia (Latin)
- the green-eyed monster
- jealousness
- comfort
- contentedness
- pleasure
- confidence
- good will
- kindness
- generosity
To feel envy towards or for
- begrudge
- covet
- desire
- grudge
- lust (after)
- regard with envy
- resent
- have hard feelings toward
- desire inordinately
- crave
- be envious of
- feel resentful toward
- hunger after
- thirst after
- long-for
- discontent
- yearn for
- hanker after
- hanker
- be green with envy
- jealousy
- long
- resentment
- be content
- be confident
Words Related to Envy
Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.