Disgraced Synonyms and Antonyms

Suffering shame
  1. discredited
  2. dishonored
  3. shamed
  4. in disgrace
  5. degraded
  6. demoted
  7. overcome
  8. downtrodden
  9. humiliated
  10. in disfavor
  11. in disrepute
  12. discharged
  13. defrocked
  14. exposed
  15. in bad repute
  16. mocked
  17. abject
  18. down-and-out
  19. shown up
  20. in-dutch
  21. fallen from one's high estate
  22. tarred and feathered
  23. put down
  24. out-on-one-s-ear
  25. in-the-doghouse
  1. honored
  2. restored
  3. in favor
Reduce in worth or character, usually verbally