Ashes and dirt sullied his uniform and made him sneeze.
The broken and demoralized army, its ranks thinned by fever and sickness, at last began its hopeless retreat, attempting to reach Catania by a circuitous route; but, harassed by the numerous Syracusan cavalry and darters, after a few days of dreadful suffering, it was forced to lay down its arms. The Syracusans sullied the glory of their triumph by putting Nicias and Demosthenes to death, and huddling their prisoners into their stonequarries - a living death, dragged out, for the allies from Greece proper to the space of seventy days, for the Athenians themselves and the Greeks of Sicily and Italy for six months longer.
The exceedingly annoying (please…make it stop) couple has sullied up the cover of many a tabloid over the past few weeks claiming their wedded bliss.
Without having the strict regulations of the DOC to follow, vintners began a mass production of Chianti to be exported around the world, which sullied the good reputation it had built over centuries.
His son Louis of Anjou, who had been left as hostage, escaped from Calais in the summer of 1363, and John, far in arrears in the payments of the ransom, surrendered himself again "to maintain his royal honour which his son had sullied."