Diamond Synonyms

dīə-mənd, dīmənd
A crystalline jewel
  1. brilliant
  2. jewel
  3. gem
  4. solitaire
  5. ice
  6. rhombus
  7. rock
  8. precious-stone
  9. engagement-ring
  10. bort(s)
  11. allotrope
  12. diamond chips or flakes
  13. bort
  14. crystal
  15. ring
  16. corundum
  17. finger-ring
  18. baseball-diamond
  19. gemstone
  20. sparkler
  21. jager
  22. glass
  23. lozenge
  24. paragon
  25. rhinestone
  26. bloodstone
  27. jadestone
  28. zircon
  29. chrysoberyl
  30. infield
  31. rhomb
  32. chrysolite
  33. demantoid
  34. sard
An instrument using a diamond
  1. cutter
  2. glass-cutter
  3. diamond point
Shape or figure
  1. lozenge
  2. rhombus
  3. rhomb
  4. quadrilateral
A baseball playing field, particularly the infield
  1. lot
  2. ballpark
  3. sandlot
  4. orchard
  5. ball field
  6. pasture
  7. inner works
  8. baseball-field
Very hard native crystalline carbon valued as a gem
  1. adamant
  1. adamantine
  2. diamondiferous

Words Related to Diamond

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.
