Bitter-end Synonyms
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The situation was critical, but there was no panic. Throughout the revolted provinces there was a general determination to continue the struggle to the bitter end.
It is a strange fact that Henry, though he was in many respects a conscientious man, with a strong sense of responsibility, and a sincerC piety, was so blind to the unrighteousness of his own actions that he died asserting that neither ambition nor vainglory had led him into France, but a genuine desire to assert a righteous claim, which he desired his heirs to prosecute to the bitter end.
In selecting him for the post, the queen undoubtedly placed her seal on the wish of the country to carry out the waI to the bitter end.
The story is full of picturesque detail and stirring incident, full also of interesting problems in folk-lore and mythology; and throughout it is dominated by the figure of the grim Hagen, who, twitted with cowardice and his advice spurned, is determined that there shall be no turning back and that they shall go through with it to the bitter end.
He soon learned he had to fight against a host of culture apparatchiks determined to defend communist folk music to the bitter end.