Both were barefaced lies whose falsity was always pretty obvious, but was also rapidly exposed by the failure to find WMDs.
To achieve a subtle eye look, without looking barefaced, reach for the lighter shades.
These, of course, are barefaced forgeries, although of very ancient date; so are those which profess to be from the hand of *Ali, one of which is preserved in the same library.
Nor the individual who has endeavored to create alarm about " The chartist desecration of the Sabbath " by telling a barefaced lie.
With this mention Prester John ceases to have any pretension to historical existence in Asia (for we need not turn aside to Mandeville's fabulous revival of old stories or to the barefaced fictions of his contemporary, John of Hese, which bring in the old tales of the miraculous body of St Thomas), and his connexion with that quarter of the world gradually died out of the memory of Europe.(fn 3) When next we begin to hear his name it is as an African, not as an Asiatic prince; and the personage so styled is in fact the Christian king of Abyssinia.