Baffled Synonyms and Antonyms
Be a mystery or bewildering to
- perplexed
- confused
- puzzled
- nonplussed
- mystified
- upset
- regulated
- dumbfounded
- unsettled
- thwarted
- stumped
- stultified
- rattled
- bewildered
- stupefied
- outwitted
- obscured
- obfuscated
- flummoxed
- neutralized
- muddled
- frustrated
- posed
- foiled
- fazed
- evaded
- beaten
- eluded
- disconcerted
- amazed
- discomfited
- defeated
- deceived
- dazed
- counteracted
- gotten
- confounded
- circumvented
- stuck
- checkmated
- balked
- vexed
- astounded
- astonished
Perplexed by many conflicting situations or statements; filled with bewilderment