When they were observed the house purposely adjourned for dinner.
The first session of parliament was opened on the 8th of November, but adjourned on the 21st of December till the 12th of March 1868, chiefly on account of the fact that members of the Dominion parliament were allowed, in Ontario and Quebec, to hold seats in the local legislatures, so that it was difficult for the different bodies to be in session simultaneously.
The sessions continued in Quebec at intervals until the 10th of October, when the commission adjourned to meet in Washington on the 1st of November, where the discussions were renewed for some weeks.
This body adjourned from Colorado City, nominally the capital, to Denver, and in 1862 Golden was made the seat of government.
If the members are not agreed, the subject is adjourned to another session, and still another, until they do agree.