Means of sailing a vessel
A journey by sailing vessel
To travel by sailing
  1. cruise
  2. voyage
  3. bear in with the land
  4. go alongside
  5. bear-down-on
  6. bolt
  7. bear for
  8. bucket
  9. direct one's course for
  10. bustle
  11. set-sail
  12. put on sail
  13. dart
  14. crowd-sail
  15. dash
  16. put to sea
  17. festinate
  18. sail away from
  19. flash
  20. navigate
  21. fleet
  22. travel
  23. flit
  24. make-headway
  25. fly
  26. mis-stay
  27. haste
  28. lie-in
  29. hasten
  30. make at
  31. hurry
  32. make-for
  33. hustle
  34. heave-to
  35. pelt
  36. lay in
  37. race
  38. lay for
  39. rocket
  40. fetch-up
  41. run
  42. bring to
  43. rush
  44. bear off
  45. scoot
  46. double a point
  47. scour
  48. close with
  49. shoot
  50. back-and-fill
  51. speed
  52. bear up for
  53. sprint
  54. run down
  55. tear
  56. run-in
  57. trot
  58. put off
  59. whirl
  60. put in
  61. whisk
  62. gather-way
  63. whiz
  64. hug the shore
  65. wing
  66. plow the waves
  67. zip
  68. hang out the washing
  69. zoom
  70. plow the deep
  71. hotfoot
  72. rip
  73. barrel
  74. highball
  75. nip
To embark
  1. take ship
  2. put to sea
  3. flap
  4. put out to sea
  5. flit
  6. make sail
  7. get under way
  8. flitter
  9. set-sail
  10. flutter
  11. weigh-anchor
  12. leave
  13. fly
  14. begin a voyage
  15. wing
To proceed with ease, especially of expression
  1. flow
  2. glide
  3. roll

Words Related to Sail

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.