Jackson spoke to the vocalist, then stood at the edge of the dance floor and motioned for Elisabeth to join him.
The band consists of guitarist and vocalist Jon Foreman, bass guitar player Tim Foreman, drummer Chad Butler, guitar player Drew Shirley and guitar/keyboard player Jerome Fontamillas.
While Astrud is known as a vocalist and not an instrumentalist, some of the songs she performed are intertwined with her name even more than the composer, such as The Girl From Ipanema.
The band formed in 1982 and consisted of friends Marti Pellow (born Mark McLaughlin; frontman, vocalist), Tom Cunningham (drummer), Graeme Clark (bassist) and Neil Mitchell (guitarist).
Driven by critically acclaimed vocalist Hayley Williams, Paramore successfully walks the tough line of pleasing fans and critics alike by demanding to be respected as musicians rather than pop stars.