Sailing Synonyms

In the act of sailing
  1. under-sail
  2. under full sail
  3. on the high seas
  4. under-way
  5. at-sea
  6. under canvas
To proceed with ease, especially of expression
Having to do with sailing, or intended for sailing
  1. rigged for sail
  2. full-rigged
  3. masted
  4. square-rigged
  5. fore-and-aft-rigged
  6. cutter-rigged
  7. sloop-rigged
  8. cat-rigged
  9. three-masted
  10. four-masted
  11. sailed
  12. provided with sails
The activity of flying a glider

Words Related to Sailing

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.
