The vial was in his pocket, and he strode into the Sanctuary, eyes roving for Erik or Ully.
He couldn't pinpoint what made his instincts restless, but he also saw apprehension in the tense frames and roving eyes of those riding before him.
The traditional site of these battles covers a very wide area, and it is supposed that Arthur held a post analogous to that of the general who, under the Roman occupation, was known as Comes Britanniae, and held a roving commission to defend the island wherever attacked, in contradistinction to the Dux Britanniarum, who had charge of the forces in the north, and the Comes Littoris Saxonici, whose task it was to defend the south-east line.
Elias and Arouj took to sea roving.
Carding, roving and spinning machines were constructed at Bridgewater in 1786.