In 1878 he dug unsuccessfully in Ithaca, and in the same year and the following resumed work at Hissarlik, and summed up his results in a discursive memoir, Ilios, upon which a sequel, Troja, issued in 1884, after Wilhelm D6rpfeld, associated in 1882, had introduced some archaeological method into the explorations, was a considerable improvement.
Demosthenes has at command all the discursive brilliancy which fascinates a festal audience.
He was, for his time, a voluminous as well as a very discursive writer.
It is discursive and badly arranged, but it is marked by a power of style, a vigour of narrative, and a skill in delineation of character which give life to the most unattractive period of German history; notwithstanding the extreme spirit of partisanship and some faults of taste, it will remain a remarkable monument of literary ability.
The source of all our knowledge is experience and discursive thought, which manipulates the materials of sense.