Shortly before his death Edward founded Christ's Hospital in the Grey Friars, and gave the old palace of Bridewell to the city " for the lodging of poor wayfaring people, the correction of vagabonds and disorderly persons, and for finding them work."
The Society for the Improvement of the Poor, constructed and opened (1921) the Wayfaring hotel to accommodate 500 men.
The plants are mainly shrubs and trees; British representatives are Sambucus (elder), Viburnum (guelder-rose and wayfaring tree), Lonicera (honeysuckle) (see fig.); Adoxa (moschatel), a small herb with a creeping stem and small yellowish-green flowers, is occasionally found on damp hedge-banks; Linnaea, a slender creeping evergreen with a thread-like stem and pink bell-shaped flower, a northern plant, occurs in fir-forests and plantations in the north of England and Scotland.
The medieval mind was only too prone to look on morality as a highly technical art, quite as difficult as medicine or chancery law - a path where wayfaring men were certain to err, with no guide but their unsophisticated conscience.
Wayfaring Tree (Viburnum Lantana) - One of the two kinds native of Britain, and frequent in hedgerows and copses, especially in chalk or limestone soils.