The king is given the power to disallow any law within a year of it having received the assent of the governorgeneral.
Any owner of property or ratepayer may attend the audit and object to the accounts, and either on such objection or on his own motion the auditor may disallow any payment and surcharge the amount on the persons who made or authorized it.
As a general rule our policy on alcohol is to disallow the taking of alcoholic refreshments whilst in the workplace.
He was ordained by order of Belisarius while Silverius was still alive; his elevation was due to Theodora, who, by an appeal at once to his ambition and, it is said, to his covetousness, had induced him to promise to disallow the council of Chalcedon, in connexion with the "three chapters" controversy.
Allow or disallow the ability to adjust the terrain regardless of impeding items like in-game objects, Sim characters, and other structures.