It contains 24 orders in 4 cohorts.
Their disorderly cohorts made an attack upon Italy, which was repulsed by the Lombards, and another on Spain with the same want of success; but beyond the Rhine they embarked upon the conquest of Germany, where Clovis had already reduced to submission the country on the banks of the Maine, later known.
A discussion with my cohorts was in order but screw it; I had no stomach for a lengthy discussion tainted with bickering.
But Gladys was delighted and after a night, ostensibly in adjoining rooms, the pair were off, with giggles and tears and a proud pronouncement that Arlen had agreed to present all seven volumes of Belfair and her galactic cohorts to the waiting world of letters—in paperback form.
He was biking in the forest now, pine-scented and cool in the early morning air, watching more nimble cohorts pedal on by him as if he were standing still.