The hemp fibre has always been valuable for the rope industry, and it was at one time very extensively used in the production of yarns for the manufacture of sail cloth, sheeting, covers, bagging, sacking, &c. Much of the finer quality is still made into cloth, but almost all the coarser quality finds its way into ropes and similar material.
Hemp yarns are also used in certain classes of carpets, for special bags for use in cop dyeing and for similar special purposes, but for the ordinary bagging and sacking the employment of hemp yarns has been almost entirely supplanted by yarns made from the jute fibre.
The second was to do some bagging in Ireland.
All this will doubtless seem pedantic to many - but isn't peak bagging pedantic by its very nature?
Nevertheless, this is not a page about trig point bagging as such arbitrary collection of things should be avoided.