This is also necessary in the case of water used for syringing the plants, which should be done two or three times a day in all stoves and forcing-houses, especially during the period when the young growth is being developed.
There is a range of sizes in these stoves from the small back packers stove to the family size double burners stove.
Quality wood stoves should have replaceable internal parts.
The fixing of stoves of this kind entails the laying of pipes or ducts from the open to convey fresh air to the back of the stove.
Hannibal is the trade centre of a rich agricultural region, and has an important lumber trade, railway shops, and manufactories of lumber, shoes, stoves, flour, cigars, lime, Portland cement and pearl buttons (made from mussel shells); the value of the city's factory products increased from $2,698,720 in 1900 to $4,442,099 in 1905, or 64.6%.