The act of selling
An individual instance of selling
  1. deal
  2. auction
  3. purchase
  4. transaction
  5. selling
  6. negotiation
  7. turnover
  8. trade
  9. disposal
  10. on-the-market
  11. available
  12. up for sale
  13. on-sale
  14. offered for purchase
  15. to be sold
  16. bargain
  17. marketable
  18. clearance
  19. saleable
  20. advertised
  21. listed
  22. sales agreement
  23. cut-rate sale
  24. demand
  25. on auction
  26. under the hammer
  27. discount
  28. on the auction block
  29. on the block
  30. exchange
  31. marked down
  32. reduced
  33. handsel
  34. at a bargain
  35. cut
  36. market
  37. at a cut rate
  38. discounted
  39. reduction
  40. rummage
  41. spiel
  42. transfer
  43. vendition
  44. sales event
An organized effort to promote unusual selling
  1. bargain sale
  2. clearance
  3. stock reduction
  4. fire-sale
  5. unloading
  6. dumping
  7. remnant sale
  8. going out of business sale
  9. bankruptcy sale
  10. yard-sale
  11. lawn sale
  12. tag-sale
  13. garage-sale
  14. closeout
  15. sellout

Words Related to Sale

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.