Bahya portrays an intensely spiritual conception of religion, and rises at times to great heights of impassioned mysticism.
In Bacon's New Atlantis (1624-29) science is the key to universal happiness; Tommaso Campanella's Civitas Solis (1623) portrays a communistic society, and is largely inspired by the Republic of Plato; James Harrington's Oceana (1656), which had a profound influence upon political thought in America, is a practical treatise rather than a romance, and is founded on the ideas that property, especially in land, is the basis of political power, and that the executive should only be controlled for a short period by the same man or men.
The film portrays the growth of the mass witch craze in Salem, Massachussetts in 1692.
This book portrays examples of indigenous handicrafts, including textiles, water dippers, lacquer-ware, jewellry, furniture and wood carvings.
Val Kilmer has altered his state more often than Lizard King Jim Morrison, who he portrays with uncanny likeness in THe DOORS.