With great address he succeeded in persuading Menshikov to present the two demands separately.
Caesar at once approached both Pompey and Crassus, who alike detested the existing system of government but were personally at variance, and succeeded in persuading them to forget their quarrel and join him in a coalition which should put an end to the rule of the oligarchy.
When the disasters of the American war had at last made a change of ministry necessary, and the king applied to the Whigs, through the intermediary of Lord Shelburne, Fox made a very serious mistake in persuading the marquess of Rockingham not to insist on dealing directly with the sovereign.
Meanwhile he had consolidated the royal power by persuading Louis XVIII.
Where this happens there is much room for the display of tactical skill by the party managers in persuading delegates who favor one of the less prominent aspirants to transfer their votes to the person who seems most likely to unite the party.