Next there has been misconception, arising from the same cause, in the constant attempt to charge the occupier of lands and houses with rates, although the real effect of the rates must be, as a rule, to diminish the value of the property affected like an old-established land tax, so that rates, properly speaking, do not fall upon either owner or occupier.
In all cases it will be necessary to establish who is the rateable occupier.
The Minister has powers under the Weeds Act 1959 to require an occupier of land to prevent the spread of creeping thistle.
Under the Weeds Act 1959, the Minister has the powers to require an occupier of land to prevent the spread of spear thistle.
If the person who causes the nuisance cannot be found, and it is clear that the nuisance does not arise or continue by the act, default or sufferance of the owner or occupier of the premises, the local authority may themselves abate the nuisance without further order.