There are mines of silver, copper, lignite and salt, and many hot springs, including some of great repute medicinally.
The bright red ovoid berries are cathartic, the whole plant is acrid and poisonous, and the bark is used medicinally.
Tibet produces a large number of medicinal plants much prized by the medical profession in China and Mongolia, among others the Cordyceps sinensis, the Coptis teeta, Wall., and Pickorhiza kuwoa, Royle, &c. Rhubarb is also found in great quantities in eastern Tibet and Amdo; it is largely exported for European use, but does not appear to be used medicinally in the country.
Mineral waters are used medicinally at Ciechocinek in Plock and Nalgczow in Lublin.
It has an agreeable odour, and has been used medicinally.