Imprison Synonyms and Antonyms

To enclose so as to hinder or prohibit escape
  1. enclose
  2. confine
  3. detain
  4. incarcerate
  5. jail
  6. cage
  7. immure
  8. hold
  9. intern
  10. shut up
  11. arrest
  12. lock up
  13. coop-up
  14. closet
  15. impound
  16. keep-in
  17. circumscribe
  18. shut in
  19. bottle-up
  20. lock-in
  21. bolt in
  22. rail in
  23. box-in
  24. fence-in
  25. send to prison
  26. throw in jail
  27. keep as captive
  28. hold as hostage
  29. keep in custody
  30. embar
  31. hold captive
  32. put behind bars
  33. commit
  34. remand
  35. remit
  36. entomb
  37. commit to an institution
  38. institutionalize
  39. put away
  40. slap in the can
  41. dress in steel
  42. lay in lavender
  43. clap under hatches
  44. send up
  45. send up the river
  46. limit
  47. mure
  48. restrain
  49. shackle

Words Related to Imprison

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.