Imprison Synonyms and Antonyms
To enclose so as to hinder or prohibit escape
- enclose
- confine
- detain
- incarcerate
- jail
- cage
- immure
- hold
- intern
- shut up
- arrest
- lock up
- coop-up
- closet
- impound
- keep-in
- circumscribe
- shut in
- bottle-up
- lock-in
- bolt in
- rail in
- box-in
- fence-in
- send to prison
- throw in jail
- keep as captive
- hold as hostage
- keep in custody
- embar
- hold captive
- put behind bars
- commit
- remand
- remit
- entomb
- commit to an institution
- institutionalize
- put away
- slap in the can
- dress in steel
- lay in lavender
- clap under hatches
- send up
- send up the river
- limit
- mure
- restrain
- shackle
- confinement
- durance
- immuration
- immurement
- imprisonment
- incarceration
- limbo
- restraint
Words Related to Imprison
Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.