The light returned to her eyes, and she bit her tongue to keep from griping.
The bulb capsule can be removed by griping the knurling at the edge of the capsule and unscrewing anticlockwise.
Once you have a plan in place, all parties must stick to it (and should try to do so without griping!).
Clinically, dysentery manifests itself with varying degrees of intensity, and it is often impossible without microscopical examination to determine between the amoebic and bacillary forms. In well-marked cases the following are the chief symptoms. The attack is commonly preceded by certain premonitory indications in the form of general illness, loss of appetite, and some amount of diarrhoea, which gradually increases in severity, and is accompanied with griping pains in the abdomen (tormina).
Its only important application in medicine is as a carminative to lessen the griping caused by some purgatives such as aloes.