This complementary relationship descends even to the minor features of the two.
The Bafing follows a northward course for about 350 m., during which it descends by a series of rapids till it reaches a level of 360 ft.
Thus far the road is easy, but at Michmash it descends into a very steep and rough valley, which has to be crossed before reascending to Geba.l At the bottom of the valley is the Pass of Michmash, a noble gorge with precipitous craggy sides.
In front of the acetabulum a thick process of the ilium descends to meet the pubis, and a similar process behind meets the ischium.
These - as indicated by their supply from a branch of the hypoglossal nerve, which descends on either side of the trachea - are, so to speak, a detached, now mostly independent colony of glosso-pharyngeal muscles.