Worn by royalty and included in many coat-of-arms, the fleur de lis symbol is seen most frequently today in architecture.
Originally used as a coat-of-arms, it became associated with royalty, appearing not only amongst the French, but on monarchs from Spain and the Netherlands as well.
Two or three other technical masterpieces of the engraver's art, the "Coat-of-Arms with the Skull," the "Nativity," with its exquisite background of ruined buildings, the "Little Horse" and the "Great Horse," both of 1505, complete the list of the master's chief productions in this kind before he started in the last-named year for a second visit to Italy.
After this event the city was permitted to add the words "very noble and very loyal" to its coat of arms.
A coat-of-arms was given to the inhabitants by Ladislaus for their courage during the storming of Milan; and the place is mentioned as a royal town under Ottokar II.