The bulbs should be planted from 6 to 10 in.
A lot of the energy efficient light bulbs have a yellow light.
Latex, though chiefly secreted in vessels or small sacs which reside in the cortical tissue between the outer bark and the wood is also found in the leaves and sometimes in the roots or bulbs.
Brazil has three groups of animals similar to the common rat - the Capromydae, Loncheridae and Psammoryctidae- the best known of which is the " tuco-tuco " (Ctenomys brasiliensis), a small burrowing animal of Rio Grande do Sul which excavates long subterranean galleries and lives on roots and bulbs.
The "pearshaped" form of the same author consists of a series of pear-shaped bulbs, the narrow end of one adjoining the wider end of the next lower one.