The horns are more or less lyrate,and generally developed in both sexes; there are frequently brushes of hair on the knees.
Among other manufactures are brushes, boilers and the like, machinery, metal ware generally, the cases and other parts of watches.
The larvae are active and voracious little grub-like creatures (known in the United States as "wrigglers"), with large heads and jaws provided with a pair of brushes, which sweep food-particles into the mouth.
Treviso is the seat of various manufactures - ironworks and pottery, macaroni, cotton-spinning and rice-husking, paper, printing, brushes, brickyards, flourmills - and is the centre of a fertile district.
It has a considerable shipping trade, and manufactories of tobacco and cigars, chocolate, margarine, oil, chemicals, brushes, vinegar, soap, guano and perfumery.