The chief wheat lands are in Victoria, South Australia and New South Wales; the yield averages about 9 bushels to the acre; this low average is due to the endeavour of settlers on new lands to cultivate larger areas than their resources can effectively deal with; the introduction of scientific farming should almost double the yield.
The proportion of ground under olives is from 20 to 36% at Porto Maurizio, and in Reggio, Lecce, Ban, Chieti and Leghorn it averages from 10 to 19%.
In the year last named imports were valued at £5 8 9,979 and exports at £130,305, the annual averages since 1895 being about £426,300 and £112,500 respectively.
The other suit at the bar had not turned around and the painters and barkeeper were in their own world of batting averages and ERA's.
The birth rate averages 26.28 per thousand of the population and the death rate 12.28, showing a net increase of 14 per thousand by reason of the excess of births over deaths.