Fad Synonyms and Antonyms

The current custom
  1. craze
  2. style
  3. rage
  4. fashion
  5. furor
  6. trend
  7. vogue
  8. caprice
  9. custom
  10. amusement
  11. fancy
  12. hobby
  13. quirk
  14. whim
  15. vagary
  16. thing
  17. mania
  18. enthusiasm
  19. affectation
  20. freak
  21. cry
  22. novelty
  23. innovation
  24. humor
  25. dernier cri (French)
  26. crotchet
  27. mode
  28. chic
  29. maggot
  30. kink
  31. eccentricity
  32. passing fashion
  33. popular innovation
  34. prevailing taste
  35. frivolity
  36. whimsy
  37. passing fancy
  38. sensation
  39. foible
  40. the latest word
  41. all-the-rage
  42. the-thing
  43. the latest thing
  44. megrim
  45. the in thing
  46. the last word
  47. monomania
  48. the new look
  49. in-joke
  50. flash-in-the-pan
  51. nine-days-wonder
  52. furore
  53. cult
  1. custom
  2. tradition
  3. convention
  4. standard
  5. tradition. See syn. study at fashion.fashion