Armfeldt virulently hated Napoleon and was a general full of self-confidence, a quality that always influenced Alexander.
The disease is thus hereditary, but in addition it is virulently infectious and contagious.
The work was virulently assailed by Dr Gilbert Stuart (1742-1786), who appeared anxious to damage the sale of the book; but the injury thus effected was only slight, as Henry received £3300 for the volumes published during his lifetime.
In England, in the 17th century, the square flat top began to be enlarged, forming a rim of thick stuff projecting beyond the close-fitting cap. This was the "square cap" so virulently denounced by the Puritans as a symbol of High Church Erastianism.
Langeron, trying as virulently as possible to sting Weyrother's vanity as author of the military plan, argued that Bonaparte might easily attack instead of being attacked, and so render the whole of this plan perfectly worthless.