The symptoms of acute poisoning are pain and diarrhoea, owing to the setting up of an active gastro-enteritis, the foeces being black (due to the formation of a sulphide of lead), thirst, cramps in the legs and muscular twitchings, with torpor, collapse, convulsions and coma.
Stricken by remorse, she entered Torpor and was revived by Nanna with his own blood, shortly before the founding of Rome.
The revival of the Czechs after a hundred years of torpor, due to the loss of their independence in 1620 and subsequent oppression at the hands of the Habsburgs and the dominant Germans, gave birth, from 1780 onwards, to a literary activity which still continues to yield rich fruit.
Germany was now about to be aroused from the torpor into which she had been cast by the Thirty Years War; but her awakening was due, not to the action of the Empire, of which was more and more seen to be practically dead, but to the rivalry of two great German states, Austria and Prussia.
Even during the summer, bats can enter torpor during cool spells.