The spruce bears the smoke of great cities better than most of the Abietineae; but in suburban localities after a certain age it soon loses its healthy appearance, and is apt to be affected with blight (Eriosoma), though not so much as the Scotch fir and most of the pines.
In the drier parts the Scotch fir (Pinus sylvestris) makes its appearance.
The trees principally represented are oak and beech, with some newer plantations of Scotch fir.
The larch is said not to succeed on arable land, especially where corn has been grown, but experience does not seem to support this view; that against the previous occupation of the ground by Scotch fir or Norway spruce is probably better founded, and, where timber is the object, it should not be planted with other conifers.
In very dry and bleak localities, the Scotch fir will probably be more successful up to 900 ft.