Scallop Synonyms

skŏləp, skăl-
The path left by a sharp instrument
  1. serration
  2. border
  3. indentation
Fish for scallops
  1. scollop
  2. winkle
Shape or cut in scallops
  1. escallop
  2. scollop
Edible marine bivalve having a fluted fan-shaped shell that swim by expelling water from the shell in a series of snapping motions
  1. scollop
  2. escallop
Thin slice of meat (especially veal) usually fried or broiled
One of a series of rounded projections (or the notches between them) formed by curves along an edge (as the edge of a leaf or piece of cloth or the margin of a shell or a shriveled red blood cell observed in a hypertonic solution etc.)

Words Related to Scallop

Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.