People living in rural areas have been raising backyard chickens for decades without any trouble, but diseases like avian flu have raised a number of concerns, as has the possibility of salmonella.
Ultimately, it was learned that, because the eggshell has tiny pores, even uncracked eggs which sat for a time on a surface (nest) contaminated with salmonella could themselves become contaminated.
Not only should chicken be cooked thoroughly, until no pink juices flow, but all surfaces and utensils used on raw chicken must be carefully cleaned to prevent salmonella from contaminating other foods.
Natural Balance assures customers that all pet food products are rigorously tested for contaminants such as melamine, cyanuric acid, ochratoxin, E. coli and salmonella.
Early in the infection, the blood is far more likely to positively show a presence of the salmonella bacterium when a sample is grown on a nutrient substance (culture) for identification purposes.