There was a desk in the middle of the room with voluminous piles of paper and notebooks.
He proceeds to give what has been quoted as his first table of atomic weights, but on p. 248 of his laboratory notebooks for 1802-1804, under the date 6th of September 1803, there is an earlier one in which he sets forth the relative weights of the ultimate atoms of a number of substances, derived from analysis of water, ammonia, carbon-dioxide, &c. by chemists of the time.
During those visits his chief business was to watch Johnson, to discover all Johnson's habits, to turn the conversation to subjects about which Johnson was likely to say something remarkable, and to fill quarto notebooks with minutes of what Johnson had said.
Only about a quarter of the total number of paragraphs are identical with passages to be found in the master's existing autograph notebooks.
However, Intel and AMD are now working, slowly but surely, to introduce dual-core desktops and notebooks into the enterprise.